Today marked the first time I have had to farewell a friend here. And it won't be the last.
It was hard.
Strangely, I met this gorgeous lady on Good Friday. I think that was about a month ago. How can that possibly be a relationship worth missing?
We connected. And any female knows what I mean. The kind of friend where conversation is easy, you are relaxed, and you go away from time together feeling uplifted. Your thinking is aligned. You approach parenting the same way. They make you laugh. You respect them.
And though not essential, it doesn't hurt that our husbands and kids got along. Or that I really like her husband, even getting to know him a little more whilst running 17km together with a few others!
But it is shared faith that is surely the most significant. The chance - no, the desire- to talk about spiritual truths, growth and struggles. With honesty. Without pretense.
Dear friends are a rare find.
I said farewell to my precious friends in Brisbane. And then in Adelaide. Lots of tears. Still the smile when I read an email, with underlying sadness it's not face to face over a coffee. Also the frustration in not being able to support them properly when they need it - definitely the worst part.
I'm seeing one such dear friend in a month in Bali!! And then here in October (cannot wait - please book those flights!!). Maybe a couple more towards the end of the year...
And I know from experience, that any sense of separation will vanish. There will not be enough hours to talk. Much laughter will be had. Joy and thankfulness for such treasured friends will be overwhelming. And whilst together I will try not to think about the impending goodbye...
But today I ponder the farewells that will be a regular event during our time here. Normally it is us who leaves! It was odd to be the one staying.
Frankly, I felt a little cranky that we hadn't met a few months earlier. Yet glad we did at all. The disappointment can lessen when you know they are going on to fulfill their purpose for life on this earth. Because that is fairly important! Especially that they will be a great blessing to others.
So as you finish reading, organize a coffee with one of your kindred spirits. Because you can.
And Boston - embrace this lady - she's fabulous!
131: A new friend.
132: Saying goodbye to one friend, rather than multiple friends!
133: Great conversations.
134: Different seasons of life.
135: Old friends.
136: Emails that sound like she is talking to you.
137: Emails that make you cry because you miss her so much.
138: Promised visits.
139: People who will go elsewhere and bless others.
140: The care shown by a God who gives the gift of a month.

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