Mothers Day came a day early this year. (The reason is the subject of my next blog...)
The day started perfectly, with eggs florentine and my five, at our favourite brunch spot.
But it was the way it ended that made me most thankful.
I was invited into a room with pillows and blankets laid out. There was a glass of water, cheese & biscuits. ED proceeded to give me various 'gifts'. He brushed my hair (for a really long time). Next was an 'eye massage' - something he remembers me doing to him when he was a baby - and though a slightly different technique was used, I was touched that he held these memories! Then a 'face pat', which involved washing my face gently. Finally, a lengthy massage. Whilst all of this was going on, Tony was receiving similar treatment from CJ (not sure how he got invited in on what should have been all about me!).
But that wasn't all.
LM played piano as entertainment.
And AC produced numerous pictures as gifts during the entire process.
Then came the chocolate. My boys know me!! And also hot chocolate - quite literally - melted chocolate in a glass, with milo ADDED, finished with the teeniest bit of milk. Never have I tasted a drink quite so wonderful. Velvet chocolate!
In 11 years, there has not been a Mothers Day as sweet. I was quite overwhelmed by their gorgeous hearts - their desire to love and serve us.
Which led, of course, to a chat about Jesus.
The washing of the disciples feet being such an amazing act of service, love & humility. Imagine God doing that - washing really grubby, smelly feet. Choosing that. Because he wanted us to understand the importance of Humility. Of Service. Of love.
When did you last do something like that for someone?
My boys made me ask the same question of myself.
"In your relationships with one another, have the same attitude of mind Christ Jesus had: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant..." Philippians 2:5-7
101: My Mum.
102: Eggs Florentine.
103: Home-made cards.
104: Massage from ED.
105: Piano playing from LM.
106: Drawings from AC.
107: Hot chocolate from CJ.
108: ED remembering something comforting I did for him when he was such a little boy.
109: Servant hearted children.
110: My boys, keeping me accountable to all I believe.
111: Opportunity to chat about the ultimate Servant.
112: The example Jesus provided when he lived here.
113: The challenge we have to live like Him.

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